Air Quality Battery/Solar

Selecting an appropriate solar power system will depend on things like your geographic location, the number of nodes communicating with your gateway, reading frequency, what sensors are connected to a node & battery backup duration. The following kits have been customized to power Air Quality Monitors.

Power Options

Item Description Power Duration
Mini-Powermate-3 Mini Powermate 30 Ah Lithium Ion portable battery pack (DC) and AC charger 15 hours
HP1A9821 Midi Powermate 50 Ah Lithium Ion portable battery pack (DC) and AC charger 28 hours
Ultra Powermate Ultra Powermate Weatherproof, solar compatible enclosure for 2 x 110 Ah batteries (portable with wheels) 100 hours
ABI00993-Enhanced-NR-Edit Aluminum Enclosure Weatherproof, solar compatible enclosure for 2 or 3 x 110 Ah batteries (pole mounted) 100 - 150 hours
VOC-Dust-Monitor-with-Weather-Station-Noise-and-Solar-Power Solar Kits Includes battery enclosure, 150W solar panels, mount and cables All year around
ABI01997-Enhanced-NR-Edit-white Programmable Timer On/off daily timer with options for each day of the week NA

Our Methodology - How We Work With You

Step 1


We begin by learning details of your projects, including timeframe, regulations, potential issues, budget and other requirements

Step 2


Once we understand your needs, we develop a turnkey, solution with hardware and software, keeping both the budget and timeframe in mind.

Step 3


We support you every step of the way, providing hands-on equipment and software training for your team to ensure that your monitoring program is successful

Request Quote

For Sales, Rentals, and Quotes, please get in touch with us by filling out the form below. Our knowledgeable staff is ready and eager to assist you!