
Item Description
Vaisala WXT536 Weather Sensor Weather Station Ultrasonic weather station to measure for wind speed and direction and other parameters
How to Unbox a Sonitus EM2030 Sound Level Meter? Noise Monitor Class 1 Sound Level Monitor with weather proof microphone
vibration-monitoring Vibration Monitor ISEE Standard Seismograph with Triaxial Geophone
image002-e1586469464907-2 PTZ Camera High definition camera with infrared motion detection
Gravimetric-Instruments Gravimetric Analysis Collection of gravimetric samples using 47 mm filter
OCs collected in SUMMA® canisters are analyzed by GC/MS EPA Method TO-15 SUMMA Canister Sampling Remotely trigger SUMMA canister gas samples for laboratory analysis
How to Connect a Solar System to the Aeroqual AQS1 or Dust Sentry Monitor? Custom Integration 4 – 20 mA and digital inputs/output for custom instrumentation integration (Mercury Analyzer, Black Carbon) and control of process equipment