Port Hope Area Initiative is the largest environmental cleanup in Canadian history. With the help of Specto Technology, WSP integrated Aeroqual’s technology to meet the air quality objectives of two projects to clean up millions of cubic metres of low-level radioactive waste.

Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI)
2018 – Ongoing
50x Aeroqual Dust Sentry, Aeroqual Cloud software
TSP, PM10, PM2.5
Community's voice has been instrumental in shaping this project
Port Hope Area Initiative is the largest environmental cleanup in Canadian history. WSP integrated Aeroqual’s technology to meet the air quality objectives of two projects to clean up millions of cubic metres of low-level radioactive waste.
Specto Technology & Aeroqual, alongside WSP, the world’s leading environmental consulting firm, is proud to contribute to the Port Hope Area Initiative (PHAI) for Canadian Nuclear Laboratories (CNL). The community’s voice has been instrumental in shaping this federal environmental cleanup and long-term, safe management of historic low-level radioactive waste from over 1,000 properties in the municipalities of Port Hope and Clarington.
Sharing air quality data helped to ease community concerns
The project’s environmental objectives include perimeter air monitoring downwind and upwind of dust-generating operations. Under the PHAI dust management plan, data is checked against control and action levels. Real-time alerts inform contractors if levels are elevated so that measures can be taken to control and reduce dust. The data is also used to publish air quality reports on the PHAI website. About 50 Aeroqual Dust Sentry monitors are deployed on-site, many of which are solar-powered to run continuously.