

Loadsensing’s LS-G6 wireless data acquisition system is now available through Specto Technology. Along with the ability to support most geotechnical and structural sensors, including vibrating ...
Noise Microphone

Noise Microphone Available for Micromate

A Class 1 noise microphone is now available for use with Instantel’s Micromate unit. The new microphone allows users to record A or C weighted ...

WASP-VW Now Available

Specto Technology is proud to announce the launch of the WASP-VW datalogger. Like the popular WASP mA datalogger, the WASP-VW is compact, low power & ...

San Francisco Central Subway

Specto Technology was chosen to supply various instruments for the monitoring of the Central Subway construction project in San Francisco. The new subway extends the ...

Bayonne Bridge, NJ

Specto Technology was chosen to supply various instruments for the monitoring of the Bayonne Bridge Navigational Clearance Project in New Jersey. The bridge (the fourth ...